Ohh goodness. I sat down for a few minutes and quickly realized I was planning our next trips but have completely forgotten to post in months! I have some serious catching up to do.
Ok, so looks like I need to start way back from the end of November!
A few months in and the kids seem to be completely settled. Donuts while waiting for haircuts for the boys.
Bryce has been thriving in school. He comes home everyday with a different book assigned and his reading is coming along so well!
Charlotte still loves the playground and the swing especially.
For once she actually let me get a picture of the two of us together!
Since we are so far away from family during Thanksgiving everyone went a little crazy with celebrating. We ended up having 4 Thanksgiving dinners! Here is what was left of the food from Sean's office Thanksgiving lunch.
Thanksgiving Dinner number 3 was on the actually day. We went over to a friends house who has a huge outside space for the kids to play. I was asked to bring rolls. :) I do love to make bread.
Charlotte loved her silly Turkey hair bow!
Soccer field full of American kids! It was so great to let them just run and play.
Our host Steve with one GIANT bottle of wine.
Lots of food, kids, friends, made for a very fun evening!
Sean and I found it very amusing to see all the signs for Black Friday! Since he had the day off from work we went to the Mall to buy the boys their Christmas gifts.

As you can see, even though there were sales, the Greeks have not gotten the memo to shop that day. It made for some very fast and easy gift buying.
I wish I would have remembered to get more pictures, but here are the only two I got of Thanksgiving dinner number 4. We hosted the two Greek families that work for Sean and our neighbors. Did all our traditional foods. It was fun to show them a little bit of our American culture after spending the last few months of them showing us theirs.
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